There is various methods of payments that our customer can use to pay for their bills. Firsly, they can use cash money. Normally, cash money is use when the quantity of hand tools and equipment buy is not too many and cheap. This is because the use of cash money is more effective and easy when the total price is small. Cash money will make the process of payment run smoothly.
Besides, our customer can make a payment by cheque or bank-in the money to our company account. This system is quite complicated. This is because they need to proceed by confirmation to make sure that their money has been bank-in properly. The bank-in method is suitable for those customers who buy many tools and equipment. Therefore, they just need to bank-in the money rather than give cash money.
Besides, our customer can make a payment by cheque or bank-in the money to our company account. This system is quite complicated. This is because they need to proceed by confirmation to make sure that their money has been bank-in properly. The bank-in method is suitable for those customers who buy many tools and equipment. Therefore, they just need to bank-in the money rather than give cash money.
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